Friday, July 2, 2010

So I play in band...

...and decided I'd try blogging about it.

See, I am a pretty normal 20 year old female. Received above average grades in high school, tended to lean more towards the arts than the sciences, and I've always enjoyed to read.

Then I graduated, and that is where my life deviated from about 70 percent of average american teenagers.

Instead of going to college as planned, I decided to play in a rock band instead. Now, there's several reasons for this that I'm sure I'll one day touch on (not least of which are my love for music, the music scene, and the people who make the music) but ultimately that's not important, because it is what it is.

This blog is the product of a conversation with my uncle, who commented off-hand that my daily life sounded a bit like a sitcom. Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't. I am as I said a 20 year old girl, who just happens to play in a rock band, lives with said band and has few female friends. I work with my mother at a hospital and the boys in the band aren't very good at cleaning house. I have two close female friends, one of which is a photographer who lives with us and finds herself occasionally caught up in band drama (of which there is never a shortage of) and the other is about to graduate with a teaching degree and is currently in Spain for the next several weeks. I'm not exactly sure if this is the making of a sitcom, but it is what it is, and I know that I find my life entertaining.

So I figured I'd share my adventures (or misadventures) for any who might be interested or who want to laugh at me. My mother thinks I'm hilarious, but then again maybe she feels obligated to laugh. At the end of the day, I'd personally like a record of things, so either way, I feel the blog will be a good thing. Maybe even a stress reliever?

Here's the main cast of characters in my life
Trevor- guitarist/singer and also my boyfriend
Jared - bass player and awesome friend
Kevin - currently far far away on an extended vacation, original drummer but most does promotional work for us now, lives in the basement in what I affectionately call his "Cave."
John- just moved out to pursue the army, but did promotional work for us while he was here
A.C.- 1/2 of my best female friends. She's in Spain now to immerse herself in the language she's been learning and culture.
Dest- the other half of my best female friends, she's pursuing a degree in photography and currently has a summer job, she lives with us, A.C. does not.

What's happening right now you ask?

-I go back to work today after six weeks off due to medical leave. I had bunion surgery.
-The band has a gig next Friday at a cool venue downtown, the highlight of which will surely be our new cover, Hysteria by Muse.
-Trevor seems to be serious about running on the treadmill (this may be of little interest to most, but I'm proud of him and happy to see the treadmill being used by other then myself)
-My cat had kittens several weeks ago (four of them) and they have now figured out how to climb over the cardboard barrier I constructed in the doorway to my office (where I've been housing them.) Our bassist Jared hates cats and refuses to touch them. I am secretly excited at this development.
-I unloaded the dishwasher because my attempt at reverse psychology failed.

And that's what is happening now.

The house is much quieter then I am used to. Dest has been gone for a month working her summer job, and isn't due back until mid August. A.C. doesn't live with us, but she's around a lot, and now she is in Spain for the next month and a half. Kevin is out of state working and no one knows when he'll be back. Last but not least, John is all moved out (I have turned his old room into my office/kitty nursery.) As far as today goes, Jared is with a buddy riding their motorcycles (Of which I got the chance to partake in last night for the first time, awesome) and I can hear Trevor playing his guitar from somewhere in our house.

It's almost TOO calm. But I'll take it when I can get it. I will draw, drink coffee, bribe Trevor to drive me to work and have a good first night back.

And I think that's enough for a first post.


P.S. For those that are interested, you can listen our band, JuxTApose, here:

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