Thursday, October 14, 2010

Foot Surgery stimulates toe hair growth

Here we go once again, another post in my erratic history of blog posts.

The band had a busy month of gigging, but is currently relaxing with only one or two gigs this month. One of which is tomorrow at the Rocket Lounge. The whole process of getting this particular gig was horrendous, with several bands all thinking they'd been booked, when ultimately the wrong people were doing the booking and several groups were double booked. In the end, it worked out and it should be fun.

The new myspace page is up and functional:

Justin did a fantastic job producing the music, we love him very much.

I got an offer to sit in on keys for a band called Chasing the Sky several weeks back (on my birthday actually.) I ended up taking them up on the offer and played their CD release party with them at the Intersection main stage. It was a blast. It's not the kind of music I would normally play, but it definitely takes me back to my early high school days of pop-ish alternative mainstream...stuff. It was enjoyable, and easy to pick up on. The guys in the band are very friendly and overall I found it to be a great experience. I'll continue sitting in with them as long as it works out for me, I play another show with them at the BOB this month.

I also got to play with Justin's other band Dendura for a cover of Perry Mason at Sazerac's for the Prospecto Festival in Grand Rapids. That was a blast as well. Again, definitely not what I'm used to playing but it was good to flex those musical muscles. I look forward to possibly playing with them again in Nov.

So that being said, perhaps I should rephrase what I said earlier. It seems that while the boys in the band have been relaxing with not as many shows to play, I have still been playing the same amount of show on top of the shows that I normally play with juxTApose. Of course this was both good and bad, as most things are. At the end of the day, this is exactly what I want to be doing with my life, but it certainly doesn't come without its own stresses. I was feeling pretty beat down about a week ago, but if I can just push through this show tomorrow (not to say that it won't be fun, gigging for the most part is fun) I have a few weeks of nothing. This will finally give me time to sit down and learn some new material and perhaps do some graphic work in photoshop. I manage to produce graphics in photoshop about as sporadically as I update this blog, if that gives you any idea of how my creative time is.

Last night we carved pumpkins. I have about a million pictures, but no way to get them off my camera and onto the computer. I will soon. Justin, Abby, Trevor, Destinee, Zach, and I all did a pumpkin while Jared was the grill master and steadfastly refused to carve one. All the same, he wouldn't have been the grill master he was if it wasn't for my purchasing of the Premium grade lighter fluid. You're welcome Jared. And thank you Zippo, for having such a shiny container that I purchased you without thinking.

Justin managed to carve a pumpkin with the juxTApose logo, and it is SWEET. Abby's is too good for words, I'll have to post a picture when I can. We're going to line up the pumpkins at the front of the stage for tomorrow's show, it's gonna look sick. Also, I've heard rumors we're raffling off a drum head that we're all gonna sign? Still haven't seen that but if it's true, awesome.

Also, the juxTApose comic premiered of facebook last week. It was a very exciting and momentous occasion. It's gonna be a lot of fun to do. It prompted Abby to dub our home, "The Jux-crib." I am now using that term as often as I can.

So the boys might seriously be going to Colorado for some gigs this Dec. Because of work I most likely will not be able to join them, however if they do as well as Kevin thinks they'll do, they might be able to fly me out for a weekend for a few shows, which I'm sure I could swing. More news on this as it comes in.

I much more light-hearted news...I purchased my Lady Gaga costume a few days ago. I expect it in the mail anytime now. Keep your fingers crossed it arrives tomorrow so I can wear it at the show.

Current reading: Dan Brown's The DaVinci Code
Current music: Na na na by My Chemical Romance (yes you read that right, MCR IS BACK BITCHES!)

And now for the spot in the blog post that pertains to the title:
As you may or may not know, I had bunion surgery on my foot in May. Now, I didn't have the most feminine feet in the world to begin with, but as my foot has been healing I've noticed a very prominent return of the hair on my big toe, AND on the top of my foot around the incision scar. It's about as conspicious as it gets. And isn't exactly doing wonders for my self image. I mean really, it's like a cruel joke. I remove the ugly bunion from my foot but karma for whatever reason is like, nope, sorry, and bam, hair. Hopefully, it will die down or just fall off altogether, but if it doesn't I'm sure I'll be fine. Because at the end of the day I'm still a freakin' badass.

I will post a picture of this phenomenon soon. Also, for the record, I spelled phenomenon correctly without spellcheck. Thought I would point that out because I was as surprised as I'm sure you all are now.

Peace and Love my friends,


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